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When building an optical system, how can I increase the size of the useful image?

I am trying to put together a system of lenses that has a probe with a 2 mm diameter. The system has a probe with an objective and a relay and a set of lenses with a larger diameter that function as a microscope, magnifying the image generated by the objective. The attached Figure 1 gives a rough description of the system. The problem is that the generated useful image is too small, as seen in Figure 2. I thought that this problem would be solved by selecting appropriate field lenses that would image the exit pupil of the previous lenses set onto the entrance pupil of the next, but it seems it is not to be the cause of the issue. I calculated (paraxially) the focal length of the field lenses considering the positions of the entrance and exit pupils and tried a few field lenses based on that result with no success. What can be done to increase the size of the useful image? Ideally, the size of the useful image should be as marked with a red circle in Figure 2.




Best answer by Andrey.Pravdivtsev

If you have full description of all lenses, a simple raytrace will show you a place where your rays are vignetted.

If they are not vignetted you need to use different lenses to create larger image size. On your Figure 1 the objective create too small image.

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If you have full description of all lenses, a simple raytrace will show you a place where your rays are vignetted.

If they are not vignetted you need to use different lenses to create larger image size. On your Figure 1 the objective create too small image.

That was it. Magnification was the cause of the problem. I thought by matching the pupils and ensuring an appropriate size for the exit pupil I would have a good image size but that was not the case. To find the best image size I played with the magnifications of the two stages of the system as shown in the system layout image attached. I picked an angular magnification for stage 2 of 0.1111 and a paraxial magnification of -5 for stage 1. When I tried to increase the magnifications above, the stages' performance decreased too much. I also attached an image captured with the new configuration.




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