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I would like to know how to report the angular coordinates of the chief ray relative to the vertex of a surface.

specifically, i would like to report (or know the operand) of the angular X and Y coordinates ( the X and Y in the upper left of the image below).



Hi @John.Domm,


You could use RETX, and RETY, which are the real ray x-, and y-direction tangents, respectively. Then, you can apply an ATAN with Flag = 1 for degree.

In this dummy example below, I’ve a single field at X = 2.5 deg, and Y = 5.0 deg, and I’ve changed the OBJECT thickness to 200 so a spot is actually visible in the Spot Diagram. Note that I’m using a Rectangular Field Normalization.

Let me know if this helps.

Take care,



Hi David

yes this works!  thank you so much!

