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I am trying to model a scanning mirror actually as in the link below:

However, I found that when I try to tilt the mirror around y in my case the focus shifts in both x and y directions. The mirror was originally tilted around x by 45 degrees. I then wanted to tilt it around y and that is where I got stuck. In the file you will find 3 configurations for different tilts around y (-5,0,5 degrees).  I suspect I am doing something wrong with the coordinate breaks but I have no clue how to solve it. Please advise!


For some reason I’m not able to download your attachment.  However, you may not be doing anything wrong.  In your geometry, there should be some coupling between the x & y focused spot coordinates.  If x-tilt is set to 45 degrees, and you scan using y-tilt, then the focus spot traces out a mild arc. 

Here’s a simple example:


For y-tilts, the spot motion is predominantly in the x-direction, but there is a small parabolic y-component:




What can I do to prevent such  behaviour? 

Scan the spot linearly by varying x-tilt (say over 45 +/- 5 deg.) instead of y-tilt.  For 2D scanning, cascade a second mirror orthogonal to the first.  See, for example, systems sold by Thorlabs:  Dual-Axis Scanning Galvo Systems

I see. Thanks a lot!
