Hi all,
I have a question about simulating the diffraction efficiency of holographic in-coupler for AR waveguide. I would like to mimic what Bernard Kress had did for the figure 19 (also attached below) in his paper ‘Waveguide combiners for mixed reality headsets: a nanophotonics design perspective’. He said the relfection HOE coupler with mean index 1.53, index modulation 0.03, thickness 16um, wavelength 550nm, and the construction angle 0 deg and 50 deg is able to achieve up to 17 deg (FWHM) angular bandwidth. However, when I try to reproduce this result in Zemax, I found it is only about 5 deg.
I also attached the Zemax file below. I would appreciate if anyone could help me to vefiry this discrepancy. Thank you!
