is there an easy way to define a ray in non-sequential mode, whose properties “follow-up” on the sequential Polarization Ray Trace tool? My ultimate goal is to define a source in non-sequential mode whose rays are determined from the sequential Polarization Ray Trace tool. I then wish to propagate these rays through a non-sequential absorptive Fabry Pérot etalon, and determine the coherent irradiance and phase in the middle of this etalon.
I am including below the Polarization Ray Trace tool output from which I would like to define a non-sequential ray. Please note that I do not have any experience creating or using DLL, hence a brute force solution would be preferable in my DLL-uneducated case, even if it takes more time. If using a DLL is the only solution, could you assist me in matching the seq pol ray trace output below to the inputs of the “diff_samp_1.c” Zemax sample file? I am happy to create and share a Zemax Code Exchange script that converts between the two once the parameters are correctly matched. If there is yet another solution, I would be grateful if you could share it.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Tracing ray to surface 68: IMAGE
Path length through air (tau): -5,0296469E-01
Internal absorption per mm (alpha): 0,0000000E+00
Internal Transmittance of ray (IT): 1,000000000000
Propagation Phase Factors (pc,ps): 0,929706175596 -0,368302086687
Coordinates on surface (x,y,z): 6,8431925E+00 -1,2630052E+01 0,0000000E+00
Direction cosines of incident ray (l1,m1,n1): 0,099625424310 0,042765591802 0,994105567326
Cosine of angle of incident ray : 0,994105567326 (6,224037 deg)
Cosine of angle of exit ray : 0,994105567326 (6,224037 deg)
Direction cosines of exit ray (l2,m2,n2): 0,099625424310 0,042765591802 0,994105567326
Direction cosines of normal (ln,mn,nn): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000 -1,000000000000
Direction cosines of S vector (sx,sy,sz): 0,394456763939 -0,918914501672 0,000000000000
Direction cosines of P vector (px,py,pz): 0,913498022009 0,392131665101 -0,108416424084
E field before coating (xyz) (Exr,Eyr,Ezr): 0,081135224914 0,282734542611 -0,020294063236
(Exi,Eyi,Ezi): -0,113639832747 -0,633397716399 0,038636786682
E field before coating (s&p) (Esr,Epr): -0,227804533068 0,187186244216
(Esi,Epi): 0,537212346245 -0,356373925889
Ray intensity before coating (I1): 0,502533075322
Coating : None defined, assuming bare glass.
Intensity Reflection coefficients (Rs,Rp): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Intensity Transmission coefficients (Ts,Tp): 1,000000000000 1,000000000000
Intensity Absorption coefficients (As,Ap): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Diattenuation (D): 0,000000000000
Field Amplitude Reflection S pol (rsr,rsi): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Field Amplitude Reflection P pol (rpr,rpi): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Field Amplitude Transmission S pol (tsr,tsi): 1,000000000000 -0,000000000000
Field Amplitude Transmission P pol (tpr,tpi): 1,000000000000 -0,000000000000
Field Reflection Phase (Prs,Prp): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Field Reflection Retardance (P-S) (Sr): 0,000000000000 (0,000000 deg)
Field Reflection Retardance (P-S+pi) (Sr): 3,141592653590 (180,000000 deg)
Field Transmission Phase (Pts,Ptp): -0,000000000000 -0,000000000000
Field Transmission Retardance (P-S) (St): 0,000000000000 (0,000000 deg)
Field Transmission Retardance (P-S+pi) (St): 3,141592653590 (180,000000 deg)
Ray Amplitude Reflection S pol (rsr,rsi): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Ray Amplitude Reflection P pol (rpr,rpi): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Ray Amplitude Transmission S pol (tsr,tsi): 1,000000000000 0,000000000000
Ray Amplitude Transmission P pol (tpr,tpi): 1,000000000000 0,000000000000
Ray Reflection Phase (Prs,Prp): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Ray Reflection Retardance (P-S) (Sr): 0,000000000000 (0,000000 deg)
Ray Reflection Retardance (P-S+pi) (Sr): 3,141592653590 (180,000000 deg)
Ray Transmission Phase (Pts,Ptp): 0,000000000000 0,000000000000
Ray Transmission Retardance (P-S) (St): 0,000000000000 (0,000000 deg)
Ray Transmission Retardance (P-S+pi) (St): 3,141592653590 (180,000000 deg)
Electric field after coating (Esr,Epr): -0,227804533068 0,187186244216
(Esi,Epi): 0,537212346245 -0,356373925889
Ray intensity after coating (I2): 0,502533075322
Direction cosines of new S vector (sx,sy,sz): 0,394456763939 -0,918914501672 0,000000000000
Direction cosines of new P vector (px,py,pz): 0,913498022009 0,392131665101 -0,108416424084
E field after (Exr,Eyr,Ezr): 0,081135224914 0,282734542611 -0,020294063236
(Exi,Eyi,Ezi): -0,113639832747 -0,633397716399 0,038636786682
X, Y, and Z direction Amplitude (Ax, Ay, Az): 0,139631430232 0,693636424019 0,043642299294
X, Y, and Z direction Phase (Px, Py, Pz): -0,950757129529 -1,150958884441 2,054441137171
Phase difference between X and Y (Pxy): 0,200201754912 (11,470716 deg)
Major, Minor semi axis XY ellipse (EM, Em): 0,707026369444 0,027242208888
Angle of XY polarization ellipse (Ap): 1,375721530168 (78,823037 deg)
Ray intensity out (I2): 0,502533075322