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Off Axis Parabolic Mirror - Coordinates




Very new to using zemax so please do let me know if I am missing on providing any key details associated with my question. 


I am interested in utilizing the Thorlabs OAP  zemax file (attached). I tried ray tracing in sequential mode by simply placing a paraxial lens in front of the OAP surface which worked fine. The next thing I am stuck with is ray tracing two OAP. I know this requires a coordinate breaks for decentering and tilting. But I have a few questions (or rather confused about using zemax): 

  1. How to define local coordinate of individual OAPs ? Because by decentering/tilting one OAP and second one is moving too. 
  2. How can I move the source (object) such that it is at 90deg to the OAP surface ?



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