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Non-sequential Modelling of an Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM)

  • 28 January 2021
  • 1 reply

Hello Zemax-Community,

I want to model an Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) in the non-sequential mode as precisely as possible with OpticStudio. I want to simulate multiple diffraction orders as well as the effects of the refractive index of the AOM, the parallity of input and output surface and thermal lensing effects.

Looking through the non-sequential objects in OpticStudio the Rectangular Volume Grating was the closest match I found. The Rectangular Volume Grating adds a linear diffraction grating on four faces of the object: the top, bottom, left, and right faces. This leads, however, to a simulation error since it is typically assumed that the 'effective grating' in the AOM is located in the center of the AOM.

Are there better or other ways to model an AOM in OpticStudio?

Has anyone solved this problem by writing a user-defined DLL?


Steffen Erhard




1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi Steffen,

Thanks for posting on the MyZemax forums!

As for your question on a better 'effective grating' setup, have you tried to embed a diffractive surface inside of something like a Rectangular Volume? The idea would be that you could then model the effective diffraction location with this embedding:


For a more custom object, the only other solution would really be creating a User Defined Object, which you've alluded to. I am not aware of any DLLs created that already model this kind of element, but perhaps other folks in the community have some work they'd like to share! In the meantime, I thought it might be relevant to share a link to this article here which discusses the various inputs and outputs that the DLL will need to take in and generate for User Defined Objects.

Let us know how these thoughts work out for you!

~ Angel
