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I was eager to try out this new feature in 2024 R2.02, but I don’t think it’s working properly. I tried exporting a simple file, one OAP mirror with 9 fields defined. When opening the file in SpaceClaim, I did not see any ray footprints on the mirror. I tried all 4 file type options, and none seem to do what I would expect. Can somebody explain the intended workflow and outcome here?




Hi Sean

I am seeing the same issue.

Did you create a support case at Ansys for this? Did you get any feedback?



Hi ​@Renaud.Ligot 

I did not create a support ticket and yours is the only feedback I have seen so far. I was hoping to see some discussion take place in the open about how the feature is supposed to work. 



Hi Sean

It worth to point it as a potential bug to Ansys support. The last time I did it (reporting a bug), I first did it here but got no feedback from Ansys until I created a support case.

