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I have an configuration of Lenslet array (Lenslet Array 2) in NSC Component in Seqential mode. I would like to see propagating beam on POP Display of 10x10 mm X,Y Width and sampling 1024px or more.

 Entrance Pupil Diameter is 10 mm, so from infinity arrive a ray buch impinging the NSC Component. This NSC component has 1 mm thickness. What shall I set for the Ref Object or the Inside Of parameters, and what shell I set  for Exit Loc Z and Back Propagation Distance in the Lens Data Editor, if I want see the matrix of focuses on the above meant POP Display? Thank you for advices. Michal 


The POP routine may likely not work properly in hybrid mode with an NSC lens array.

Instead, take a look at the “Lenslet Array.zmx” sample model provided with OpticStudio.  The lens array is modeled with a user-defined surface for use in a fully sequential model.


