I have a quasi-optical system where the source and detector are co-located. This is basically because I want to simulate a sub-THz system, or better a quasi-optical system, where the source\detector is a horn antenna, which radiates a gaussian beam.
The system is made of the source, a lens, and a target. Ideally, the antenna illuminates the lens, which directs the beam on a reflective target. The lens also collects back (part of) the reflected beams and focuses them back on the detector.
What would be a good way of evaluating the directivity of the detected radiation? The non-sequential mode has a polar detector available, but it seems to work mainly to detect the directivity of rays coming out of a source. In other words, I would like to estimate the directivity of a source, whose rays are the same that the ones reaching my detector, but with opposite direction.
Even better, it would be to be able to estimate a coupling efficiency between the source and the detector: is it sensible to do so in ray-tracing? What would be an effective way to do it?