
Merit Function Editor and Optimization Wizard won't open

  • 12 January 2023
  • 2 replies

This feels like a silly question, but I am using OpticStudio 22.3 and have tried time and time again to open up the Optimization Wizard and Merit Function Editor, to no avail. I have restarted the program, restarted my build, restarted my PC and reinstalled OpticStudio, all to no avail.


Am I missing something?


Thanks so much!

Very Respectfully,



Best answer by Sandrine Auriol 16 January 2023, 11:12

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2 replies

Badge +4

Hi Becky,

When you reinstalled OpticStudio, did you redownload the installer from the Zemax website? The install download itself may be corrupted. 

If you have not already, I suggest you open a ticket with the Zemax Technical Support team. They should be able to help you figure out what the issue is. You can do this on the Zemax website in your Zemax Account page under “Support Tickets” by clicking the “Open a New Ticket” option. 



Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Quick update in case it helps other users. I’m copying my colleague’s answer @Ethan :

There was problem with OpticStudio 21.3. Maybe some corrupted files were still on the PC. The problem had to do with the Startup Defaults in Project Preferences. They could be set to a file that did not exist or was an invalid ZOS file. When you first installed OpticStudio, if the file didn't exist, it might have created a ZOS file with invalid data. 
Try changing the Startup Defaults to use a blank sequential file, a blank non-sequential file, or a valid custom file (either ZOS or ZMX):


A clean installation will solve this problem.


