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For our application, we are simulating a camera that has pixels with an asymmetric angular response. We are wondering the best way to include it and calculate the PSF of the system.

  • This could be done with a flat, zero-thickness layer near the image plane
  • The angular response means it changes the amplitude of the ray depending on the position and the incidence angle (so it depends on Hx, Hy, Px and Py )
  • The angular response is custom and not radially symmetric.

We tried to include it has a custom coating, but since the angular response is not symmetric with respect to the optical axis, it does not work great.


Is there a way to include it using OpticsStudio Standard?

Would it be possible to implement it with DLLs? Or is there another “programming” option?


Many thanks

This is in sequential mode, yes?

I’d look at writing a user-defined surface that modifies the transmission of the ray based on its position and angle. You may need to upgrade to Professional for the programming options, I don’t recall. There are a bunch of sample files called US_FILTxx. You might strike it lucky and fine one that does what you need, but it should be relatively easy to modify whichever sample is closest to your precise needs.

  • Mark

Thank you, I’ll have a look at those files.

Yes, it is for sequential mode.
