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if my laser source has a wavelength range, how can I include that in my tolerance analysis (which operand to use)?

  • 25 September 2023
  • 2 replies

Say my laser source is 1300 +/-10nm, with normal distribution 3 sigma, which operant to use to include it in the tolerance editor?


Hello @icybird,


I’m not sure that’s what you’re asking, but here’s what I’d do.

  1. Setup a WAVE operand in the Multi-Configuration Editor and set it to 1.300 um
  1. In the Tolerance Data Editor add a STAT operand with Type 0 (normal distribution) and #Dev 3 (number of standard deviations), and a TMCO operand (tolerance multi-configuration operand) with the Row and Config# corresponding to the WAVE operand setup in 1., it should pick-up the nominal value of 1.300 um. Then simply add -0.010 um, and 0.010 um as the Min/Max respectively

If you run some Monte Carlo runs, this is what you’d get:

I hope this helps.

Take care,


Hi David, 

Thanks very much for the right on target answer! That is exactly what I am looking for!
