I was trying to select the lens from ThorLabs to collimate the diverging light to around 2 mm. But there seems to be a discrepancy between the size shown in the paraxial gaussian beam data and the semi-diameter of the image surface, which seems to automatically update according to the system design. I also tried to use the merit function GBPS to optimize the beam size, but the result does not seem to be correct according to the layout plot. Could someone explain what is the difference between the two sizes and which merit function to use in order to get the 2 mm collimated beam? Thank you!
For this configuration, the paraxial gaussian beam data shows that the size of the beam at the image surface is 0.266 mm, which does not match the layout plot, where the semi-diameter of the lens is 3 mm. The size given by the semi-diameter of the image surface seems more reasonable.