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Hi all, 

i am currently looking into a different way to simulate optical setups with large tilt angles of the object plane and a image plane tilted by the scheimpflug angle. I am using BlackBox data from different lens manufacturers to simulate triangulation setups. 

When the tilt angle is relatively small there is no problem, but if the angle is getting to large ( ~ 70° depending on the lens)  i get the message: “Cannot find rays to yield requested image height.”. My workaround is to request reversed BlackBox data from the manufacturers, and to work with the reversed setup. This solution is working, but the data is often not available and I also want to automate the simulation with the help of ZOS-API and i always have to handle both szenarios, which is not ideal. 

So my question is: Is there a way to simulate every setup just with the standard way, without using the reversed lenses?  

I found this topic: 

which is more or less what i need. I normally used the “Coordinate Break” method without Ray Aiming. But i want to tilt the object plane up to 80°. 

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Lalte.Ma.
I think that you’ve answered your own question. The link that you provide explains the two methods of either tilted surfaces or coordinate breaks.

If you could upload an example of what you’re working that presents the ray-trace problem, that would helpful.

If you are using the coordinate break method, then I think using ray-aiming is unavoidable.

Another thought is that with black box files, you may not know how or where to place the stop such that the file is usable. I would suggest placing the stop as an entrance pupil (the flying or floating stop method).

This means,

  • placing a surface after the object that has a variable thickness.
  • This surface proceeds to the stop.
  • The stop’s thickness is then a pickup from the previous surface with a -1 multiplicative factor to undo the distance.

In this way you can dynamically move the entrance pupil around relative to the black box without having to know where the stop is located.

Finally, it might be worth noting some of the limitations of using black box files which includes the aforementioned issue with the stop, apertures, etc.

Hi @Michael.Young

thank you for your answer! I attatched a example archive. It is the setup i am working with right now. I also tried to use the CoordinateBreak and RayAiming way, described in the post but couldnt make it work with the given formulas for the pupil shift for large angles. Also the tilted surfaces approach basically stops working at one point. 

I will also try your suggested solution with the stop surface. 

