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How to setup a black coating on CAD step file for straylight analysis

  • November 10, 2020
  • 4 replies

Am setting up a CAD model step files within Opticsstudio for straylight analysis. I have ABg and lambertian models from data, and downloaded from IS catolog.

How do I set up the CAD objects in NSC ? 

Should I use object default or reflective surface in object properties ?

Do I need to put any additional coating infromation in coating? 

What material do I insert for a genric mechanical structure? 

Kind Regards 


Zemax Staff

Hi Nick,

When the 'IS Scatter Catalog' is selected for a surface, no degrees of freedom exist to specify an independent face property or coating, since the .ISX file contains the full energy distribution for light scattering from the sample. Therefore, those controls will be greyed out. OpticStudio has some IS models that can help you to model what you are looking for:


For the ABg and lambertian scattering models, you can define your own black coating. I would suggest you have a look at the following article from our knowledge base:

For the 'Face is' control; “Object Default” means the face is either refractive, reflective, or absorbing, depending upon the material type defined in the NSC Editor. “Reflective” means the face is always reflective, and it assumes the surface is coated with a thick layer of aluminum, with an index of refraction of 0.7-7.0i (at 0.55um). The layer is assumed to be thick enough that no light propagates past the layer.

You will need to know the material of what your object is made of (Maybe the mechanical engineer or the vendor can give you the info?), and then, you can look for it in the material catalogs provided by OS (Libraries > Material Catalogs). If it's not available, you can create a Materials Catalog to load in your own material as explained here:



Hi Berta.

I imported a file in step format with no problem. I found a certain number of faces, but I don't find anything in th 'IS Scatter catalog': the drop down meno is empty!



  • Ultraviolet
  • June 9, 2021

Empty for me as well.


You will need to download each ISX file to use:

Let us know if that helps.


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