I'm trying to simulate a simple imaging system in non sequential mode. My setup consists in a source radial, a 4f telescope, a 1200 lines/mm diffraction grating and a detector color. I would like to insert a reflective grating, but I can't seem to find a way to do it. I was only able to insert a transmission grating by choosing a Diffraction Grating from the Object Type menu. I tried changing the parameters in the Object Properties, varying the 'Diffraction' settings: I selected 'Split by table below', in the 'split' section and set 'Start order:0 , Stop Order:1'. Then, on the 'Reflect' section, I set 0.5 for both orders and left 0 in the 'Transmit' section. I'm going to post a snapshot of this menu.
Anyway, nothing of this worked, so instead of 'Split by table below', I chose 'Split by DLL function'. In the DLL section I selected the diff_samp_1.DLL , but for any parameter I insert, the grating still keeps working in transmissive mode. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and if there's any other way to set a reflective grating? I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.