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Hologram construction fringes picture

  • 11 March 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi support team, 

In your example 'How to model holograms in OpticStudio' you present the 'hologram construction fringes' picture:

Can you please explain how did you evaluate this picture? 


Tali M.

Hi Tali!

That picture was calculated using the ZOS-API user analysis mentioned in this article:“Analyzing hologram construction fringes with a ZOS-API User Analysis”. You can download this user-analysis from this article. The exe has to be copied under \Zemax\ZOS-API\User Analysis. You will need to close and reopen OpticStudio to have access to that analysis. It will be available under Programming...User-Analyses.


Dear Sandrine,

Thank you very much for your help.

At the beginning of the article, it says: 'it is often important to analyze the fringe frequency on the element to ensure manufacturability. This article provides a User Analysis to allow such investigation'.

However, couldn't find any specific example of it in the article. 

Can you please use the attached file as an example and explain:

1) How can ensure the manufacturability of this hologram? in term of fringe density per length units

2) How can I use 'ZOS-API user analysis' tab to produce a surface data file (i.e height profile data) of 'HOLOGRAM2' surfcae, to send to the


Thanks in Advance,

Tali M.





Hello Tali,

In the settings of the analysis, you can select a text output. This will create a text file in the same folder as your file. It will give the number of fringes per length units. This indicates how close the interference fringes can be.

About the manufacturability itself, one aspect is the resolution of the recording medium. I think this is something you could check with your manufacturer. 

Holograms won't give a surface data profile as they are basically a recorded interference. Holograms are represented in terms of phase.


Hi support team, 


Hello, why can't the dry dip stripes be displayed correctly when I use HologramFringes? There are errors as follows:

This example is used in section“How to model holograms in OpticStudio”.

Looking for your reply!



Your Sincerely

Hi GyuoqingMa,

From where can i check the fring analysis window in the zemax? I have designed the hologram but unbale to find the window where i can analyse the fringe pattern or see it. Please help me out everyone.





Got it but i could also not see the strip of the fring. Thanks everyone the intersting topic.



