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Hello I have a license for basic version of OpticStudio. I need to apply an apodization filter to a surface in order to program the transmission to be a Gaussian function. But it seems that the 'filter' type of surface is only available in the premium version. Is there any substitute for this function that I can use? Thank you.

Hi Manuel

User-defined surfaces are only available in the Professional and Premium editions of OpticStudio. 

But you can define a Gaussian apodization via the System Explorer...Aperture:

Let us know if that helps.


Hi Sadrine,

This in indeed what I have been using for generating a Gaussian input beam.

What I was trying to do is to further filter the transmission by a Gaussian function after shaping the beam with some optics. Is this not doable with basic version?


Hi Manuel

Yes the user defined called us_filt* would have helped. We also have a slide surface but it is not available in standard mode either.

I can send you a message with the name of your account manager if you'd like to have a quote to upgrade?


Hi Sandrin,
I took the aperture data,
N.A=0.08  G=1
What I get here is an intencity profile cut at the edges not for normal gaussian .
So I put G=2  the profile i get nice narrow gaussian profile at geometric image analysis .what is the mathematical relationship to the numeric key size, what angle size do I
need or NA?
i(roe)=exp-(roe)^2 × theta^2)

I think I understood the connection:

roe  x sqrt G =1

Sorry for the very late reply but in the help file we define the apodization as:

where A is the amplitude, G the apodization factor and ρ the normalized pupil coordinate.
