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DLL (Diffractive): Non paraxial linear Y idealized polarizer model

  • October 28, 2021
  • 5 replies

Michael Cheng
Zemax Staff

This diffraction DLL models a non-paraxial idealized polarizer model that produces a linear polarized transverse electric field. It is an alternative to the Jones matrix, that model polarizers for paraxial fields under normal incidence. The diffractive DLL is only a tool used here to compute the electric field. 

For more information, check: 

This DLL works for OpticStudio subscription licenses. The source code is not shared.

Author: Michael Cheng


Click here to download

Date Version OpticStudio Version Comment
2021/12/01 1.0 - Creation



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5 replies

Michael Cheng
Zemax Staff
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  • 142 replies
  • July 23, 2022

This model correctly provides the following typical pattern when you have two crossed polarizer and a slightly diverging beam.:)


Michael Cheng
Zemax Staff
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  • 142 replies
  • August 3, 2022

Now this is updated for

  1. Reflection rays is available
  2. Material can change (refraction is considered)
  3. Support curved surface


Zemax Staff
  • Zemax Staff
  • 275 replies
  • April 7, 2023

A discussion about this dll:

Straylight in VR Pancake | Zemax Community

Hi @Michael Cheng ,

Thanks for sharing this model, it’s very interesting! I did a similar one based on a paper by Korger and a scatter surface (I don’t have subscription licence) some time ago.

I’m interested to see how you implemented your solution. Can you please share the C++ code?

Michael Cheng
Zemax Staff
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  • 142 replies
  • November 26, 2023

Hi Sebastian,

Unfortunately, the source code for this DLL cannot be shared, although I do think it’s actually quite simple that I just follow the paper I mentioned in the post.

But anyway I actually think this model is only ideal and I would suggest you use the static link to have a more realistic model when you start to do a realistic design. In this workflow, you can use Lumerical STACK to calculate the response accurately for any incident angle and polarization. You can find more detail in the following link.

Lumerical Sub-wavelength Model: Usage in Zemax OpticStudio – Ansys Optics

On the other hand, for the purpose of accurately modeling of components like grating, wave plate, or polarizer, I would suggest to use diffraction DLL instead of scattering DLL. The problem with scattering is it cannot control the power ratio between reflection and transmission, while diffraction DLL has more control to this.

Please let me know if you still have any questions. Thank you.


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