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How to dispaly PSF, MTF and Zernike Standard Coefficients


Hi. I started to study ZOS-API with Matlab today. And I managed to set a specific material refractive index and get it to work without error. And My goal is to create code that can display PSF,MTF, Thorough Forcus Spot diagram and Zernike Standard Coefficients. Therfore, could you please give me some advice how to analyze them and receive their results in Matlab?


import ZOSAPI.*;


% Set up primary optical system

TheSystem = TheApplication.PrimarySystem;


% Aperture

PupilDia = 8.0;

TheSystemData = TheSystem.SystemData;

TheSystemData.Aperture.ApertureValue = PupilDia / 2;



% Lens data

TheLDE = TheSystem.LDE;

% TheLDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(2); % 

Surface_1 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(1);

Surface_2 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(2);

Surface_3 = TheLDE.GetSurfaceAt(3);


% Surf1 Infomation

Surface_1.Radius = 24.397;

Surface_1.Thickness = 9.915;

%Setting RefractiveIndex

nd = 1.52253; 

materialModel = Surface_1.MaterialCell.CreateSolveType(ZOSAPI.Editors.SolveType.MaterialModel);

materialModel.IndexNd = nd;


Surface_1.Comment = 'R1';

% Surf2 Information

Surface_2.Radius = -1094764;

Surface_2.Thickness = 0.0;

Surface_2.Comment = 'R2';


% Surf3情報

Surface_3.Comment = 'Image';

% QuickFocus

quickFocus = TheSystem.Tools.OpenQuickFocus();

quickFocus.Criterion = ZOSAPI.Tools.General.QuickFocusCriterion.SpotSizeRadial;

quickFocus.UseCentroid = true;



% Save and close


r = [];

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