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The time is finally here! Only three years after being acquired, Zemax support is moving into the Ansys systems 🎉🎉🎉.

If you used support in the last year, then you likely already received a notice about this migration. In addition to that, I have put together an FAQ about the move to help answer some of the common questions we are seeing from users. See the FAQ below, and feel free to comment with any other questions!


Where do I go to open a support case with Zemax now?

Support cases will be handled in the Ansys Customer Support Space (ACSS) going forward. You can access ACSS here:

If the account you are listed under has an active Zemax subscription, you will be able to create a case under the Optical Family with Zemax OpticStudio selected as the Application. You can review the active subscriptions at your account by navigating to My Products in ACSS.


Can I still email support at the Zemax Support email addresses?

No. The Zemax Support email addresses will be closed on October 9th. If you email us at those addresses to create a new case, we will not see it. You should use ACSS instead.


How do I register for the Ansys Customer Support Space (ACSS)? Is it the same login as the Zemax Community?

ACSS uses your Ansys ID login credentials, not Zemax. The email address and password you used to login to and the Community Forum are not valid on Ansys ID. You can see an example of the two different sign-in methods in this article.

Find out how to register and login by reviewing this free tutorial:

Note: When reviewing the Help...About dialog in OpticStudio, your account number is preceded with an “A”. When registering, do not include the “A”.



I tried to register but failed. What happened?

You need your company’s business address and your Ansys Account Number to register. The business address must match the one listed in our system against the given Ansys Account Number. Your Account Manager can provide that information if you do not have it. If you fail to register 2 times in a row, then a case is automatically created with the Ansys TechOps team. They will reach out within two business days.


I use to manage my licenses and colleagues. Now what?

If you're an Ansys Software Coordinator, view the most up-to-date information about your active licenses in the Ansys License Portal. Learn more about the Ansys License Portal here.

For managing colleagues: new team members can register for ACSS to be logged against your account. As long as they are listed under the same account as you, they will have access to the same license. If you need to remove someone from your account, reach out to your Account Manager.


Are my old cases available on the new system?

Unfortunately, they are not. Due to Ansys Support being on a different platform, we were not able to migrate the data. You may download your old case data from through December 31st.


I am a user at an Academic institution - where do I make a case?

Academic support at Ansys is limited to the Ansys Learning Forums (ALF) - hosted within the Ansys Innovation Space. The Ansys Support team actively monitors ALF, and will notify the Zemax team when there is a Zemax-related question that has not been answered by other community members. For a seamless experience, register using your academic organization email address. By doing so, Ansys can follow-up with you offline if needed.


What about the Zemax Community and Zemax Knowledgebase?

Those websites are slated to be moved into the Ansys systems later this year. Right now, only the support (case-handling) system is being migrated.



I recently activated my account at the mentioned ansys support page. For me it seems to be a downgrade to move from this forum to this page. All questions regarding Ansys are unsorted, to find Zemax related topics is really cumbersome. Or did I miss a link at this new website to see only Zemax related topics?



Hi @Gregor - thanks for being proactive about your registration! It sounds like you might be referring to the forums instead of case support. As I mentioned in the last point on my post, Zemax forums are not moving quite yet. The move is only for Zemax case support at this time. Once we move into the Ansys Learning Forums, there will be a dedicated space for Zemax topics with some sub-forums - similar to what we have here on the Zemax Community 🙂.

Hi Allie, I don’t see Optics as an option in the Family drop-down menu. 

Hi Allie, I don’t see Optics as an option in the Family drop-down menu. 

@Sean Turner - that usually means you are listed under an account in our system that doesn’t have active Optical family licenses. Don’t worry, though - it could be a duplicate account that we need to clean up. I’ll look into it. In the meantime, please submit your case to the old system ( We can help you there while I get your account information sorted 🙂.

“The time is finally here! Only three years after being acquired, Zemax support is moving into the Ansys systems”

Just in time to start the move into Synopsys solvnet system...😂
