Released: September 15th, 2020
OpticsViewer 20.3 contains the following fixes and enhancements.
Performance & Stability
- Tolerance Data Viewer – Sensitivity now displays polynomial terms when they are selected in the Tolerancing dialogue
- Tolerance Data Analyses – The Tolerance Data Analyses (Tolerance Yield and Tolerance Histogram) now identify the units of tolerance operands, allowing users to overlap data with similar data types
Bug Fixes
- CAD Export – When the First Surface = Last Surface and Surfaces As Solids is checked the CAD Export now works correctly
- Tolerance Data Viewer – Fixed issue where Monte Carlo tab in Tolerance Viewer reports different nominal value than the Summary tab for compensators
- Tolerance Data Viewer – The SZERNIKE keyword is now included in the Tolerance Data Viewer when running a user script
- Tolerance Data Viewer – Fixed issue where the Tolerance Data Viewer did not show the proper number of decimals as defined in the Project Preferences > Editors section. Note that selecting Compact still incorrectly defaults to 15 decimal places and will be fixed in a future release.
- Tolerance Data Viewer – Updated the Statistics section in the Tolerance Data Viewer to show the correct maximum and minimum TRAD radius operand values if the percent option is selected
- Tolerance Data Viewer – Fixed incorrect error message in Tolerance Data Viewer “rounding digits must be between 0 and 15 inclusive” when all the data values are zero
- Tolerance Data Viewer – Updated the Tolerance Data Viewer to reflect the proper Back Focal Length distance when the compensator is set to Paraxial Focus
- Tolerance Data Viewer - TEXI operand now displays full results in the Tolerance Data Viewer
- Geometric Encircled Energy – Fixed memory issue when updating the Geometric Encircled Energy plot multiple times in a row
- Pupil Power Map – Fixed display issue with Automatic Scale in Power Pupil Map and Power Field Map analyses
- Tolerance Data Viewer – The Tolerance Data Viewer now correctly shows the individual criterion value for each field & configuration when Separate Fields/Configs is checked
- Tolerance Data Viewer – The Sensitivity tab in the Tolerance Data Viewer is now suppressed if Skip Sensitivity is selected
- Q-Type Freeforms – Fix for sag calculation error in drawing of Q-Type Freeforms