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Service Pack

OpticsBuilder 21.2.1 Release Notes

Zemax Staff
  • Zemax Staff
  • 337 replies

Released: June 29th, 2021


1 Service Pack 21.1.1 - Bug Fixes


1.1 OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS

OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS 21.2.1 includes the following bug fixes:

  • Export .ZBD file tool – Multiple bugs were fixed affecting the Export .ZBD file tool. This includes the bug affecting the CAD Part: Solidworks selection which would fail and an error message would appear. Also included is a bug where a STEP file was inserted into the assembly and this would cause the Export .ZBD file tool to fail. Finally, a bug where after exporting the .ZBD file, it would add additional mechanical component surfaces and place incorrect scatter profiles on them.
  • Update .ZBD file tool – Multiple bugs were fixed that affected the Update .ZBD file tool. This includes a bug where a CAD Part: Solidworks component belonging to the original .ZBD file would remain in the active space after updating the .ZBD file. Also affected was a bug where if the original optical assembly was rotated and then the user chose to update the .ZBD file, the updated optical assembly was considered a modified assembly. A bug was fixed where the Results window showed information for the first assembly remained on display after the .ZBD file was updated. Finally, a bug was fixed where an optical assembly was updated with a .ZBD file containing both optical components and optomechanical components; this updated assembly would not raytrace, instead it returned an error message.
  • Crashes – Two bugs were fixed which were causing crashes in Solidworks. The first one occurred when importing a file containing the Q-type asphere. The second bug occurred when a user would insert a mechanical component into an existing assembly that contained the optical subassembly: if a user floated an optical element and a mechanical part using Solidworks tools, mated them together, and then attempted to move them, Solidworks would crash.
  • Optical subassembly – If a user opens the subassembly containing the optical design, the Import .ZBD file button shows as active and the optics manager on the left-side is missing.
  • Section views – If a user turned on a section view using Solidworks tools, it would clip the rays incorrectly if the optical subassembly was rotated in the graphics area prior to applying the section view.
  • Misc. bugs – A number of miscellaneous bugs were fixed in this release: the first bug occurs when a user modifies a mechanical component and then saves it, upon reopening the saved file, the Simulation Results are not correct. Another bug was fixed which moved optomechanical components to the mechanical components section in the Optics Manager if the material was set to “blank”. If user utilizes the Add Mounting Edge tool, the “save as” Solidworks window was not appearing after the edge was applied.


1.2 OpticsBuilder for Creo

OpticsBuilder for Creo 21.2.1 includes the following bug fixes.

  • Export .ZBD file tool – Multiple bugs were fixed affecting the Export .ZBD file tool. This include, a bug where after exporting the .ZBD file, it would add additional mechanical component surfaces and place incorrect scatter profiles on them. Another bug caused the export process to fail if any component was suppressed within Creo.
  • Update .ZBD file tool – Multiple bugs were fixed that affected the Update .ZBD file tool. This includes a bug where if the original optical assembly was rotated and then the user chose to update the .ZBD file, the updated optical assembly was considered a modified assembly. A bug was fixed where the Results window showed information for the first assembly remained on display after the .ZBD file was updated. Finally, a bug was fixed where in some cases the optical system was considered modified after using the Update .ZBD file tool and running a Simulation.
  • Crashes – One crashing issue was fixed where Creo would crash if the OpticsBuilder license was not available and a user attempted to open an optical part from a previously saved assembly.
  • Optical Properties – Multiple bugs were fixed that affected OpticsBuilder’s optical properties: When opening the optical properties of a detector, it would show the material field property as empty when it should have been classified as a “Blank”.  Also when viewing the properties for lenses, the material field property would show as empty after the lens type had been changed. For some Boolean objects, the optical properties window would not be available. The Q-type asphere had an incorrect power contained in its conic property within the properties.xml.
  • Fold mirror tool – The simulation results were not correct after a fold mirror was applied.
  • Accuracy – The geometry showing in Creo for the Elliptical Volume was not matching the geometry within OpticStudio
  • UX  Multiple bugs were fixed that affected OpticsBuilder’s UX: If a user clicked on the Show Detectors button within the Results window multiple times, several instances of the Detector Viewer would appear. Within the System Settings window, there were two help buttons, one of which was disabled. Also within the System Settings window, there was a typo “.ZVP” instead of “.ZBD”. The description found within the Create Ray Filter window was not complete. Finally, some mechanical components were not being automatically added to the “Included” section of the Region of Interest
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