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source file - Non-sequential - Hyugens PSF

  • January 18, 2025
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Hello there friends from the Zemax community,

I have an optical system which I converted into a non-sequential system.

I am trying to estimate the focal plane field distribution from a source file in which essentially I am trying to model a point source that has a non uniform intensity pattern.

First, I have checked that for an ideal Point Source in the non-sequential mode, I can compute the “PSF” by using the Hyugens integral based approach by setting the PSF Wave # parameter to a value of 1.

Here you can see an example of what I get in this case:



As mentioned, for the ideal point source I can get the focal field distribution. From the Ray Database Viewer, you can clearly see how the rays are being terminated at the object number 5 (my detector with the material set as ABSORB) 

However, once I replace the Point source with a Source file which also is supposed to model the case of a point source but with a lmn dependent and varying intensity value (For this, I used a source file in where the origin coordinates for each ray is just set to 0,0,0), I am not able to compute any PSF pattern.



Now in this case, you can see how the rays actually never reach the detector (again with the PSF Wave # parameter set to 1). In this case, my source file contains only a single wavelength value and I have set the wavenumber source parameter to 1 as well.


After reading this post:

I am thinking that the problem is somehow related to the fact that internally, probably the rays coming from this source file are not treated as originating from a single point (even though all rays originate from a single point in my file definition) and therefore the algorithm does not enforce the Hyugens integral calculation. Obviously, this is something that I am definitely not sure about.

What could be happening here? And even more important: What can I do in order to properly model my source in this case? I want to evaluate the focal plane distribution for the case of having a non-uniform intensity distribution in my point source and compare this to the case of the standard point source with a uniform intensity profile. 


In advance, thanks a lot for the comments and help.


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