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Distortion with tilted lens/image plane

  • November 22, 2023
  • 2 replies

  • Single Emitter
  • 2 replies


I am looking at radial distortion for a lens. If I insert a coordinate break and tilt the entire lens along the x-axis, I can see that there is a difference in the radial profile if I choose +y or +x as scan type, as I expect. However, if I instead insert a coordinate break for the image plane and tilt it along the x-axis, I do not get any difference between the different scan types. Is this an expected feature, and is there any way to get the same results by tilting the image plane instead of the entire lens (for some configurations when tilting the entire lens, I only get curves for e.g. +y and not for any of the other scan types)?

Thanks in advance.

2 replies


Could you maybe post the files, or something similar that shows the problem? The issue is likely to be with the “paraxial rays ignore coordinate breaks” setting but it’s not clear why that should depend on which surface has the CB. Be much easier if we had a file to look at.

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  • Single Emitter
  • 2 replies
  • November 27, 2023


Thank you for your interest. I’m attaching a .zip-file with files showing a simple example that exhibits the same issue. The files show the following:

cb_lens_cb_img_1 and cb_lens_cb_img_2, coordinate breaks sandwiching the lens and one sees different distortion for x and y when using the “Field Curv/Dist”-tool. The difference between _1 and _2 is where a Dummy surface is placed (resulting from whether setting the last surface to the image plane or the last lens surface when using the tilt/decenter-tool). As far as I can tell, these give the same results.

lens_cb_img_cb, coordinate breaks sandwiching the image plane and which I was hoping would give me the same results as the two files mentioned above. The distortion is however the same for x and y.

lens_cb_img, only one coordinate break in front of the image plane. This does give different results for x and y, but the values are not the same as for the files called cb_lens_cb_img_1 and cb_lens_cb_img_2.

I’m new to Zemax so I’m probably missing something, but I can’t figure out what it is.

Thank you in advance.


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