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Number of rays shown on NSC shaded model depends on # of Analysis rays




Why Number of rays shown on NSC shaded model depends on # of Analysis rays?

I’m using “Source diode” source and when I’m increasing the “# Analysis rays” the rays that shown at Shaded model disappear,

After ray trace with large nuber of analysis rays some detectors shows 0 hits but at Layout when # Analysis rays = 0 I can see a lot of rays that hit the these detectors.

Why “# Analysis rays” have influence on # of rays at Layout? It should be defined by # “Layout rays”, I’m wrong?

I have last version of Optic Studio.


Thank you,



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4 replies

  • Visible
  • 22 replies
  • April 12, 2021

Hello Yefim,

# Analysis rays :- Number of random rays launched in performance analysis. If lots of analysis are displayed in the shaded Model ,rays can disappear from  the shaded Model as high computation takes some time so ,I would recommend displaying less rays.

# Layout Rays defines how many random rays are launched from the source when creating layout plots.

By dafault the rays displayed in the Shaded Model are layout ray: . For more information please visit:

Ray Database in the page  The Analyze Tab (non-sequential ui mode) > System Viewers Group (the analyze tab, non-sequential ui mode) > NSC 3D Layout .

In case if you want to select number of Rays in shaded Model,or In detector viewer .You Can choose {NumberofRays} in Filter in settings window.







My question is: why when I'm decreasing the number of # Analysis rays it increasing the number of intersections per ray at shaded model?

It seems that when #Analysis rays smaller each ray have more power and its make sense because I use Source diode with gaussian distribution but I expect that change at Analysis rays will influence only rays at detectors after ray trace and not the Shaded model.


I have coatings at simulation and at Shaded model I use 'Split NSC Rays' option.


Thank you,



  • Visible
  • 22 replies
  • April 14, 2021

Hello Yefim,

Thanks for your query Yefim.

Please check the field Under System Explorer in Non-Sequential. It would be better if this field value should be Zero. I hope when you increase the number of # Analysis rays it will decrease the energy per ray . If your Minimum absolute ray intensity is set with some value. If Each ray energy is less than Minimum absolute ray intensity energy value. Those rays is terminated and can't be traced . That's why in Shaded Model rays disappear .


For more information please visit :

Minimum absolute ray intensity and Minimum relative ray intensity  in page The Setup Tab > Editors Group (Setup Tab) > Non-sequential Component Editor > Non-sequential Overview > Ray Splitting

I have a made a small video(# Analysis Rays.Mp4) on this . Please have a look.

If you any query .Please feel free to ask.




Thank you very much for great explanation


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