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Diffraction efficiency vs angle of a VHOE not changing for different fields

Jorge L

Hi all, 

I was hoping someone would clarify if the problem that I encountered is an actual bug that need fixing or if I’m just doing something wrong.

I designed a volume hologram using “Hologram 2” surface, and when replaying it with multiple beams, the first one the one that’s been designed for and then adding in the field editor +-2 and +-10. Then on the “Diffraction efficiency vs angle” analysis, im selecting different fields but it shows the same unchanged plot, which cannot be because if you replay a VHOE that has been recorded for let’s say 45 degree but you are in this case 2 or 10 off, depending on the angular selectivity curve it’s maximum DE should be lowered.

But as you can see on the image, the field 5 (corresponding to +10)  shows almost 100% efficiency, which is very unlikely.

Thanks in advance,



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