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The same .zmx file results different POP results on different computers

  • October 30, 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi All,

I would like to ask two separate questions here:

  • I ran the same POP.zmx file on two computers that have the same version of Zemax version, 2023.R2.02. System settings and POP settings are all the same. One gives fiber coupling efficiency 72% and the other one gives 80%. What could be the reasons behind this discrepancy?
  • I ran that POP.zmx file on one computer that has Zemax version 2024.R2.02. It’s a simple optical system using two lenses collimating and coupling laser coming out from one fiber into the other one. I have a dummy surface before the first lens to check the beam. In the Physical Optics option under Surface properties, if I turned off “Auto Resample”, it gives coupling efficiency of 93% and a 10E+04 times higher total power (while the input is 1.0). However, if I turned on “Auto Resample”, it gives coupling efficiency of 77% and a 0.99 total power (more reasonable). My questions is: why sampling affects the fiber coupling efficiency calculation and which value is more trustable?
  • Following the 2nd item, I ran the same POP.zmx file on one computer that has Zemax version 2023.R2.02. Resampling on that same surface does not change the coupling result. My question is: What is the difference between the sampling of 2023.R2 and 2024.R2?

Thank you for your help!


3 replies

  • Author
  • Infrared
  • 5 replies
  • October 31, 2024

To give some more specific examples: as we change the sampling on dummy surface #1, which is just a standard surface sitting in front of all lenses. Beam propagates from source to this surface without anything in between. Here are some results:


  • When resampling is completely off: Total power is 1, which is desired.


  • When “Auto resample” is clicked: Total power drops to 0.2, which is not right.


  • When I reduced the X-width and Y-width, i.e., the window size while keep the sampling number the same: Total power increases to 1.7, which does not make sense because there is clipping now.


  • When I try to over sample it with original grid size by increasing the sampling number, total power increases to 3.9. This is to say the higher the resolution, the higher the total power is.


  • When I try to under sample it with original grid size by decreasing the sampling number, total power decreases significantly to 0.06. This is to say the lower the resolution, the lower the total power is.


Is this possibly a BUG in Zemax POP calculation?

Thank you,


  • Author
  • Infrared
  • 5 replies
  • October 31, 2024

Forgot to mention that the above results are run on Zemax 2024.R2.02.

The version 2023.R2.02 also has bug: changing sampling does not change total power at all. It remains 1.

With a big grid size 2 x 2

With a small grid size 0.1 x 0.1 so the beam is highly clipped, how come the total power is still 1?

Zemax Staff
  • Zemax Staff
  • 14 replies
  • November 1, 2024

Hi Di,

Thank you for reaching out to us here! I saw that you posted the same question on our new forum platform and replied there. Feel free to have a look at my response and let me know: Possible BUG in POPD calculation

Kind Regards,



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