You can use the API to uncheck the System Explorer..Files..Is Project Directory checkbox. As far as I tested today, the checkbox remains disabled through the user interface and only responds to the API. You can use the following line of code with Python:
@Sandrine Auriol said she was going to check why the checkbox wasn’t available through the user interface with the developers.
Can you describe this a bit better? Project Directories could be zipped up and distributed such that one could redistribute the model.
Does this post imply that all the files necessary for your project are not extracted into individual files in folders like the Project Directory feature?
I imagine that what @icybird is saying is that they have colleagues with earlier versions of OpticStudio that they have to share their files with. And those earlier versions of OpticStudio can’t open ZOS and ZPROJ files. The solution is to use a ZAR, but if the lens file is classified as a project directory (ZPROJ), this is not possible anymore (at least without the ZOS-API trick above). I hope this helps.
I think ZOS files were also introduced with 21.3 and are likely to be incompatible with older versions of OpticStudio. But at least, ZOS can be saved as ZMX.
@David.Nguyen, I hadn’t thought about if the file is a project file that it will affect the ability to save to ZAR vs. ZPRJ. That is an interesting point.
Anyway, I run into this as well. I use the project files and ZPRJs frequently; however, when I need to share a ZAR with a colleague who uses an older version I simply change the file extension in the name in the dialog that opens with the “Create Archive” button under the “File” tab. The “Save as type” dialog will still show the ZPRJ but it will save it as a ZAR that can be opened by others.
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