Hello Everyone,
I am new to Zemax. In my current Project I need to produce a couple (>60000 ;) ) Spot Diagrams for training of NNs. I have used the interactive connection with MATLAB and I can run the simulations in corresponding parameter space. The Problem that I am facing right now is that I cannot export the images from the Spot Diagram Window. I mean I can export the text file of the Spot Diagram (the one with Field Coordinates, Image coordinates, RMS Spot Radius, etc.) but I need the patterns which are visible in the plotted graph.
I have already tried to modify the routine in 'MATLABStandalone_22_seq_spot_diagram.m' , but the shape of the resulting graphs are different from the ones Zemax shows.
Is there an easy way, like a Export method that I am missing? I would appreciate your help.