Hi Taehyun,
I don’t think that this analysis has specific settings and you need to use the MODIFYSETTINGS method, which is illustrated in Example 17 of the ZOS-API. In Python, for your analysis, I would do something like:
import os
# New Geometric Bitmap Image Analysis
GeoBitIA = TheSystem.Analyses.New_Analysis(ZOSAPI.Analysis.AnalysisIDM.GeometricBitmapImageAnalysis)
# Get settings
TheSettings = GeoBitIA.GetSettings()
# Create settings file if necessary (Save() will save at the same location as the lens, use SaveTo() to save it elsewhere)
# Settings file path (same as the lens except with *.CFG extension)
pre, ext = os.path.splitext(TheSystem.SystemFile)
CFGPath = pre + '.CFG'
# Modify Settings
TheSettings.ModifySettings(CFGPath, 'GBM_XSIZ', '17')
# Save the settings
# Run the analysis
This is similar to the MODIFYSETTINGS ZPL keyword, which will give you the string codes that you need to use to edit the settings (found in the Help File [F1] under: The Programming Tab > About the ZPL > KEYWORDS (about the zpl) > MODIFYSETTINGS (keywords)), and reads as follow for Geometric Bitmap Image analysis:
Geometric Bitmap Image Analysis | GBM_FIELDSIZE: The field Y size. GBM_RAYS: The number of rays per source pixel. GBM_XPIX: The number of X pixels. GBM_YPIX: The number of Y pixels. GBM_XSIZ: The X pixel size. GBM_YSIZ: The Y pixel size. GBM_INPUT: The input file name GBM_OUTPUT: The output file name GBM_SURFACE: The surface number GBM_ROTATION: The rotation setting |
Let me know if that answers your question and take care,