Hi all,
I am using BatchRayTrace with the ZOSapi in OpticStudio 230724 and python 3.9.
Following example 22, I am able to raytrace and extract the results into x_ary and y_ary. Subsequently I calculate the geometric radius using x_ary and y_ary. So far so good
Afterwards I want to use BatchRayTrace with a different surface and calculate the geometric radius again at the updated surface.
Problem: I cannot update the “toSurface”. The first call of raytrace.CreateNormUnpol(max_rays, ZOSAPI.Tools.RayTrace.RaysType.Real, surf_i) seems to define the “toSurface”. It cannot be changed even, if I close the tool and open a new one with the new surface: It always calculates the exact same output as before.
Does anyone tried to update “toSurface” of the BatchRayTrace -Tool in a loop before?
Is there anything else to do to update the “toSurface” in addition to closing the Tool?
Here is my code snipped:
# Define batch ray trace constants
hx = 0.0
hy = 0.0
num_fields = TheSystem.SystemData.Fields.NumberOfFields
nsur = TheSystem.LDE.NumberOfSurfaces
max_rays = 10000
surf_s = np.array([15,16,17,18,19,20,21]) # surfaces where spot size will be measured
spots_rms = np.zeros((surf_s.shape))
spots_geo = np.zeros((surf_s.shape))
# Initialize x/y image plane arrays
x_ary = np.empty((surf_s.size, max_rays))
y_ary = np.empty((surf_s.size, max_rays))
r_ary = np.empty((surf_s.size, max_rays))
wave = 0
for surf_idx in range(0, len(surf_s)):
# Set up Batch Ray Trace for surface_i=camera_i
raytrace = TheSystem.Tools.OpenBatchRayTrace()
surf_i = int(surf_s[surf_idx])
print('raytrace to surface %d' % surf_i)
normUnPolData = raytrace.CreateNormUnpol(max_rays, ZOSAPI.Tools.RayTrace.RaysType.Real, surf_i)
for ii in range(1, max_rays + 1):
px = np.random.random() * 2 - 1
py = np.random.random() * 2 - 1
while (px*px + py*py > 1):
py = np.random.random() * 2 - 1
normUnPolData.AddRay(wave, hx, hy, px, py, Enum.Parse(ZOSAPI.Tools.RayTrace.OPDMode, "None"))
# Read batch raytrace and display results
# Python NET requires all arguments to be passed in as reference, so need to have placeholders
sysInt = Int32(1)
sysDbl = Double(1.0)
output = normUnPolData.ReadNextResult(sysInt, sysInt, sysInt,
sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl);
while output[0]: # success
if ((output[2] == 0) and (output[3] == 0)): # ErrorCode & vignetteCode
x_ary[surf_idx, output[1] - 1] = output[4] # X
y_ary[surf_idx, output[1] - 1] = output[5] # Y
x_ary[surf_idx, output[1] - 1] = None # X
y_ary[surf_idx, output[1] - 1] = None # Y
output = normUnPolData.ReadNextResult(sysInt, sysInt, sysInt,
sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl, sysDbl);
r_ary[surf_idx, :] = np.sqrt(x_ary[surf_idx,:]**2 + y_ary[surf_idx,:]**2)
spots_geo[surf_idx] = np.nanmax( r_ary[0,:] )*1000
spots_rms[surf_idx] = np.sqrt(np.nanmean( r_ary[0,:]**2))*1000
print(' RMS radius: %6.3f' % spots_rms[surf_idx] )
print(' GEO radius: %6.3f' % spots_geo[surf_idx] )
raytrace.Close() # need to close for updating System
del raytrace
del normUnPolData
print("deleted raytrace")