Hi Nick,
Yes, there is a good method for this. Your sequential design can be converted to a non-sequential design using the 'Convert to NSC Group' button in the top menu strip. Then you can open the analysis setup design as a seperate OpticStudio instance and copy paste the objects into your non-sequential analysis setup, or you can paste your analysis setup into the newly created non-sequential file.
When the surfaces in the sequential file are converted to non-sequential, the surface defined as the 'Global Coordinate Reference Surface' in the Aperture tab is located at Z=0 in the new non-sequential file, so it makes sense to choose the global reference in the sequential file for convenience in the non-sequential. Once in the non-sequential you can alway change the reference object for the newly created ojects to make them dependent on a reference object so they can be moved as a group if needed.
This is much better than importing as a CAD file because you get the objects in as native objects.
Kind regards,