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Hello Everyone!

I would like to introduce myself by a quick post.

My name is Önder. I’m an optical engineer at Precision Optics Corp. I have joined Zemax Community since May 2021. My BSc is department of Physics and MEng is Mechanical Engineering. I am specialized in CAD/CAE formerly and Optical Engineering lately. Besides work, I love playing table tennis and going cycling.

Hope to see you around!

Hi Önder, 

It is a pleasure to see you in the Community! Also having a Physics degree, I see it encouraging that you chose the path of Mechanical Engineer, and then Optical Engineer. I wish that I could have had your Mechanical Engineering knowledge prior to Optical Engineering. I think it’s a kind of superpower to know both Optical and Mechanical :grinning:  

Hi Önder, 

It is a pleasure to see you in the Community! Also having a Physics degree, I see it encouraging that you chose the path of Mechanical Engineer, and then Optical Engineer. I wish that I could have had your Mechanical Engineering knowledge prior to Optical Engineering. I think it’s a kind of superpower to know both Optical and Mechanical :grinning:  

I definitely agree with you, for oneself, Phys together with Mechanical Eng is a decent robust superposition which leads to a wide angle FOV into EO systems.

I endorse this sort of education path.

Best wishes
