24.1 Release Notes
January 11th, 2024
1 Tools, Features, and Capabilities
1.1 Offline legacy license activation
Activate, update, and transfer all your licenses offline.
A new Zemax License Manager release is included with OpticsViewer or available as a separate download. This release adds an offline section with a built-in offline softkey license activation and license transfer process.

This means these operations no longer need to be done via a separate application. Since we are now issuing Ansys licenses, this also prepares Zemax legacy applications for the future discontinuation of the legacy online license servers.
2 Libraries and Catalogs
2.1 Catalog Updates
Get the latest material catalogs from Schott, Auer Lighting, CDGM, Heraeus, and Optimax.
Material Catalogs
- Schott:
- Preferred glasses updated with mechanical data.
- New glasses added: F2HTi, FK5HTi, LF5HTi, LLF1HTi, N-BK7HTi, N-LAK28, N-LASF55, N-SF57HTultra, N-SF6HTultra, N-SF6Q2, N-SK5HTi, SF57HTultra, SF6HT, REALVIEW_1.9_LIGHTWEIGHT, and REALVIEW_2.0.
- Auer Lighting:
- SUPRAX updated with mechanical data.
- Glasses updated with mechanical data.
- New glasses added: H-FK55, H-ZLaF75C, H-ZLaF89LA, H-ZLaF96, D-ZK2A, D-ZK3A, and ZF7LT.
- Heraeus:
- Updated with mechanical data: HOMOSIL101_HERASIL102, HOQ_310, INFRASIL_301_302, SPECTROSIL_2000, SUPRASIL_1_2A, SUPRASIL_2B_CG, and SUPRASIL_300_3001_3002.
- New glasses added: SUPRASIL_3301_3302 and SUPRASIL_311_312_313.
- Optimax:
- Updated with mechanical data: N-FK51A, N-PK51, S-BAH10, S-BAL14, S-BAL35, S-BSL7, S-BSM2, S-FPL51, S-FSL5, S-LAH51, S-LAH53, S-LAH58, S-LAH64, S-LAL8, S-LAL9, S-LAL54, S-LAM2, S-LAM7, S-NPH2, S-TIH1, S-TIH4, S-TIH6, S-TIH11, S-TIH53, S-TIL1, S-TIL6, S-TIL25, S-TIM2, S-TIM5, S-TIM22, S-TIM25, and S-TIM28.
- New glasses added: N-K5 and N-SK4.
3 Bug Fixes
- Parasolid CAD files - Fixed an issue where rays were not included in exported CAD files when using the Parasolid libraries.
- Exporting CAD files using Parasolid - Fixed a crash when exporting a CAD file using Parasolid when the system dimensions exceeded the maximum limits allowed by the Parasolid modelling kernel.
4 Announcement
Zemax OpticsViewer 24.1 is the last release of Zemax OpticsViewer. After 24.1, the product will be discontinued. If you have any questions, please contact sales@zemax.com.