Released: May 25th, 2021
1 Tools, Features, and Capabilities
1.1 Native Support For Q-type Asphere
OpticsBuilder users may import Q-type aspheres with native support
OpticsBuilder 21.2 now offers users the ability to natively import optical designs that include the Q-type asphere. This asphere type is especially useful to those customers that are designing cellphone camera lenses. Previously, the Q-type asphere would change to a Boolean object during the sequential to nonsequential conversion within OpticStudio. This new ability gives native object support to the Q-type asphere within nonsequential OpticStudio and thus allows OpticsBuilder to import it natively as well. Users will no longer encounter a Boolean object imported for this component type. This new object type is available on both the SOLIDWORKS and the Creo CAD platforms.
1.2 Number of Rays Specified By OpticStudio User
The number of rays set to ray trace from OpticStudio will now transfer into OpticsBuilder.
Before the .ZBD file is passed to OpticsBuilder, an optical engineer may set the number of rays they want to run during raytracing while using Prepare for OpticsBuilder within OpticStudio. This setting will transfer with the .ZBD file into OpticsBuilder and populate the Precision Setting found in the System Settings menu This functionality is available on both the SOLIDWORKS and the Creo CAD platforms. The number of rays setting that will be populated from the .ZBD file can be seen as an option in SOLIDWORKS in Figure 1.1.a.

1.3 Logic For Deleting an Optical Assembly and Loading a New One
Users may now delete an optical assembly and load in a new optical design
Additional logic was included to allow OpticsBuilder users to delete a previously loaded optical assembly from the top assembly within CAD and allow them to load a new optical design. Previously, users could load a .ZBD file and delete it from the top assembly but the logic left the “Load a .ZBD” file button grayed out. We have adjusted the logic to recognize when an optical assembly has been deleted from the top assembly and allow users to load another, new .ZBD file. This logic is available on both the SOLIDWORKS and Creo CAD platforms.
1.4 SOLIDWORKS Components Load with Greater Accuracy
Components loading into SOLIDWORKS will now have better accuracy than before
Work was completed on the Convert & Build functionality within OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS. This work occurs in the background when users are loading their .ZBD file into SOLIDWORKS. It ensures the parts are drawn natively with greater accuracy. Users may not see an apparent difference in their experience, except when using the SOLIDWORKS tools to make changes to the shape of the lens. Here, users may see greater availability of parametric dimensioning applied to the component. This update is only for OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS and brings its accuracy to the level that users experience when using OpticsBuilder for Creo.
2 Bug Fixes
OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS 21.2 includes the following bug fixes:
- Lens positions – A user found that the rectangular torus volume object was not importing in the same position as exported from OpticStudio: this has now been resolved.
- Beam clipping – we were seeing beam clipping reported in a sample file where the results were inaccurate: this has now been resolved.
- Export .ZBD file – OpticStudio was showing a dimension units warning for SOLIDWORKS parts exported during the Export .ZBD file process. The dimensions exported were corrected and this warning no longer shows upon import to OpticStudio.
- Animate rays – we were seeing different behavior with the animate rays feature depending on whether a section view was activated or not: this has been resolved.
- Optomechanical components – we were seeing different raytrace results between OpticsBuilder and OpticStudio when running a simulation on a design that includes optomechanical components. The raytraces are now working similarly.
- Usability bugs – UI was added to ensure that optomechanical component surfaces are selected in the graphics area when selected from the Optics Manager list. A warning message has been updated to clarify usage of Boolean parts within OpticsBuilder and to properly direct users to next steps.
OpticsBuilder for Creo 21.2 includes the following bug fixes.
- Simulation feature –A simulation would fail and the detector viewer was empty when using sample systems “Laser w Aplanatic Lens” or “Spectrometer”. These sample files were updated to correct the issue.
- Creo crashes – We experienced a scenario where a user attempted to open the family table contained within a subassembly which caused Creo to crash. This has now been resolved.
- Usability bugs – UI was added to non read-only component windows used for editing the lens data. Some users were seeing the OpticsBuilder menu grayed out upon opening a sample file: This bug has been corrected. A warning message has been updated to clarify usage of Boolean parts within OpticsBuilder and to pro