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Service Pack

OpticsBuilder 21.1.1 Release Notes

Zemax Staff

Released: February 16th, 2021


1 Service Pack 21.1.1 – Bug Fixes


1.1 OpticsBuilder for Creo

OpticsBuilder for Creo Parametric now includes the following bug fixes: 

  • Sample files have been updated to include beam clipping and image contamination ray filters.
  • Modified optical components were moving position and causing incorrect Simulation results.
  • Updated .ZBD files were not taking on modified positions from original .ZBD file.
  • For modified optical components, if a user edited the shape of the component using CAD tools, the optical component would lose its coating definition from OpticStudio.
  • When deleting optical components, the error message displayed was confusing and has been updated to give action steps to empower the user to correct the issue.
  • A crash has been fixed which occurred when users select the prototype from the Optics Manager and then press “delete” or any other keyboard key.
  • We have fixed an issue causing sample files to be missing after the installation process finished.
  • When a system is considered modified, the Results window were not displaying correctly for some cases.
  • If a user renamed a mechanical part within Creo and then chose to Export .ZBD file with the selection “CAD Part: Creo Parametric”, the renamed mechanical component would not import upon reopening the .ZBD file.
  • The Boolean native lens object was not updating it’s shape when using the Update .ZBD file tool


1.2 ​​​​​​​OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS​​​​​​​

OpticsBuilder for SOLIDWORKS now includes the following bug fixes:

  • Sample files have been updated to include beam clipping and image contamination ray filters.
  • Appearances were skipped on optical components that have been modified in part mode
  • The ray animation was not working when a section view was applied to a previously saved system.
  • Modified optical components were moving position and causing incorrect Simulation results.
  • UI for View/Edit Optical Properties: the “Selection” list was not available when choosing to “View Optical Properties” for an optical compnent and the “Apply to Selection” button was not working to define a coating on a lens surface when choosing to “Edit Optical Properties”.
  • If a new mechanical part was created after import of a .ZBD file, the newly created mechanical part was added to the optical components section of the optics manager.
  • If a user made changes to the optical components using the CAD tools, it would change the component to be an optomechanical part. This component was not showing in the “Selection” list when trying to “Edit Optical Properties”.
  • When deleting optical components, the error message displayed was confusing and has been updated to give action steps to empower the user to correct the issue.
  • After a material type was set to blank and the “Edit Optical Component” window was closed and reopened, the lens material catalog was empty.
  • An error message was appearing when opening a previously saved assembly.
  • Within the Add Sources/Detectors PMP, the link to the help file topic was incorrect.
  • When a system is considered modified, the Results window were not displaying correctly for some cases.
  • UI for the “Add Mounting Edge” tool was duplicating the radial aperture column.
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