license transfer code lost

  • 6 July 2021
  • 1 reply



I have lost my Zemax license… A transferred it this morning from my laptop at home, with my email address to receive the code, and for some reason the email has never arrived… (may be I misspelled the address? But I should have a warning in this case, no?)

Can you help so I can have a working Zemax this afternoon?

I find the soft license very annoying. With home-office now, I keep transferring my license sometimes up to 3 or 4 times a week, which is a real hassle (and sometime I forget to do it, so I am stuck). The good old USB dongle was much better. I suppose this soft license is a better solution for them, but at the end of the day, the end user (= the costumer) suffers the consequences... That is a real shame.

Thank you


1 reply


License code received by zemax support. Solved.
