Tolerance a distance between two optical components

  • 19 February 2020
  • 3 replies


I have two optical elements which the distance between both need to be really precise.

How can I do a tolerance analysis over that distance?

Should I make consider one object the reference and do the tolerance analysis for that particular object?

Thank you,



3 replies

Hello Sandrine,

First of all, thank you for your reply.

Yes, that's correct. I want to know how precise the distance (d on the image below) can be.

Thank you


Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Hello Narciso,

If I understand correctly, the "tolerance analysis" goal is to determine how precise the distance between two optical elements has to be, right? So that distance has to be a parameter that can be toleranced.

Could you provide a bit information like a sketch so we can be able to give further advice? You will need to use the Image button in the toolbar to add an image.

Thank you.

Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Hello Narciso,

Thank you for your sketch. I forgot to ask last time but are you working in non-sequential mode?

If that is the case, yes you can use the "Modify Reference Object" tool in the Non-sequential editor to reference the 2nd element vs the 1st one. It will give access to that thickness.

Then the distance d can be a parameter that you can tolerance using TNPS.

To get a 1st idea of the sensitivity, you could use a 1D Universal plot under Analyze...Universal Plot and plot the merit function (your criterion, it could be the flux, ...) vs that thickness.

Then you could use the Tolerancing tool: the Inverse Sensitivity can be used to get an idea of the tolerance needed on that thickness for a given change of your criterion.

Let me know if that helps and if not do not hesitate to write us back.

Thank you!


