Why only 160 available configurations and no any parameter to modify this (or I missed something...)? We are talking about the Enterprise edition…
See also the cite from OpticStudio DOC:
Defining the Number of Configurations
The number of configurations shown in the editor is changed by inserting or deleting configurations using the Insert or Delete toolbar buttons.
The maximum number of configurations allowed in a lens file is 160. If an attempt is made to exceed this limit with the user interface or a macro, OpticStudio will throw an error:
This version supports 160 configurations.
If an attempt is made to exceed this limit with the ZOSAPI using the Multi-Configuration Editor functions InsertConfiguration() or AddConfiguration(), those functions will return a true Boolean but the new configuration won't be added. In the latter case, we recommend manually ensuring this limit is never breached by calling the NumberOfConfiguration property of the Multi-Configuration Editor to keep track of the total number of configurations currently defined within the system.