I used Matlab to write a .ZBF text file for POP. When Zemax reads the file in the irradiance is perfectly replicated but the phase is not; when non-zero the phase looks like random noise. This is very strange because you need to write the .ZBF file using Re and Im values for the field. Unless the Re and Im values are both correct in the file you can’t get the correct irradiance values. I have done this before and it worked so I had a friend with an older version of Zemax installed (22.1.2) check the same file. His version of Zemax correctly replicated the phase. I am using version 2023 R1.03 on a windows machine. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Did the .ZBF format change? Is there now a setting I need to adjust in Zemax when I import a file? Is this a known problem that has been fixed in an update?
Matlab intensity:
Zemax Intensity
Matlab Phase
My Zemax Phase:
Old Zemax Phase: