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Peak irradiance versus wavelength of the source (non-seq)

  • 1 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello Users and Zemax Staff,

The design I am working on is chromatic aberration sensor. I would like to ask if there is a possibility to analyze peak irradiance on the detector in the function of wavelength of the light source. In other words, I need an information which wavelength of the light source (reflected from some surface) is focused best on the detector’s surface (at given Z position).

So far, I found Flux vs wavelength, which is great but only carry information about power (losses) and Dectector Viewer - but it only gives information about total (all wavelength) irradiance.


Light source is defined as spectrum file.

Best regards,

Michal Cwikla

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi Michal, welcome to the community! I think you’ll be able to accomplish your needs by using filter strings. If you’ve saved the rays during your raytrace, then you’ll be able to apply filters to those saved rays when viewed in the detector viewer. Search “The filter string” in the OpticStudio Help documentation for full details, but here are some options:


Ray uses wavelength n. If the n value is 0, then rays with any wavelength will return true for this test. Note this filter only tests the initial wavelength for the ray as it leaves the source. If wavelength shifting is used (see the Bulk Scatter section of the Object Properties) the wavelength may change during propagation.

X_WAVERANGE(n, a, b)

Ray has hit object n and has a wavelength between a and b micrometers, inclusive.


And here’s an article that gives examples of using filter strings, if you’ve never tried it before. The diffraction grating example even shows use of the X_WAVERANGE filter. Identifying specific rays using filter strings – Knowledgebase (
