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OpticsBuilder differences to LensMechanix

  • October 28, 2020
  • 1 reply


I am currently testing OpticsBuilder as a replacement for LensMechanix. However, I noticed a few negative aspects for the planned use.
The plan is to use the software for stray light simulation as well, in LensMechanix the path analysis under 'Display OPS / Image contamination / Show Ray Paths' was very useful for me. Unfortunately I can't find this feature in OpticsBuilder, only because of the rays in my CAD model I can't see their influence, so I needed this tool.

To get this data in spite of all this I tried to save the data under Print. If I save it as a .docx file I cannot open it with Word and as a PDF file I get the following error message:

Is there a known reason for my problems and how can I fix it?

The fact that OpticsBuilder hides rays in the section view has disadvantages in my opinion, because I cannot follow the rays completely. Is a change planned or will it stay that way?

With kind regards

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1 reply


Hello Christian,

Thanks for your comments - please note that during your trial period you can also e-mail me directly to have a quicker feedback. I'm also happy to jump in a web-demo to discuss those points.

The ray paths tool has indeed been moved out of the scope of OpticsBuilder; I assume you'd need to use OpticStudio's path analysis tool to make advanced stray light analysis. Again, happy to discuss this live.

Then, I don't get any error messages when generating reports. If possible could you send your .zbd file over to investigate what causes this issue ?

Then, OpticsBuilder is not meant to hide rays in the section view. You should always be able to show or hide rays, as well as edit them or apply filters. Using a section view, or not. Please note that in OpticsBuilder 20.3, we do now also apply the section view to the rays as well, as explained in the release notes :

Users have an even more accurate inside look into their optical product designs. When applying a section view to their design in CAD, OpticsBuilder offers the ability to also apply the section view to the simulated ray set. In SOLIDWORKS, the section view is automatically applied when a section view is selected. In Creo, users must first create their section view and then select the new “Partial Rays” button to apply the section view to their rays.

I hope this helps,





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