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How do I output the image of an analysis in ZOS-API?

  • February 20, 2020
  • 8 replies

Zemax Staff
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I am using Huygen's PSF in ZOS-API, and I want to be able to render the same False Color plot I see in OpticStudio. See below:

How do I do that?

Best answer by Allie

These types of plots (Huygen's PSF, Wavefront Map, Detector Viewer, etc.) are generated with a matrix of data points provided within the "Text" tab of the same analysis window. This matrix data may be pulled into the API using the ZOSAPI.Analysis.Data.IAR_ Interface and made into a figure.

Analysis window data is split into multiple categories within the IAR_ Interface. A matrix of data (shown above) will typically be provided as a DataGrid while a 2 column list of data (such as that given by a Cross Section plot) will be provided by a DataSeries. Sometimes, analysis window results are not pulled into the API, in which case we must pull the results into an external text file. See "Generating a list of output data types for each analysis in the ZOS-API" for more information.

As long as the data is accessible, we can pull it into the API using the corresponding IAR_ Interface property. Below is a Matlab example of this process:

TheSystem = TheApplication.PrimarySystem;

% Open the Huygen's PSF. We will use the default settings for now    
huygensPSF = TheSystem.Analyses.New_HuygensPsf();        

% Run the analysis with the current settings and pull the results 
huygensResults = huygensPSF.GetResults();        

% The results will be split into multiple data structures    
% One structure will house the header information    
% Another structure will house the relative intensity values    
% Pull the structure with the intensity values    
matrixData = huygensResults.DataGrids(1).Values.double;        

% OpticStudio has pixel (1,1) in the top left of the matrix    
% Matlab places the (1,1) at the bottom so we need to flip the matrix    
huygensData = flipud(matrixData);        

% Use pixel data to create a figure    
% The jet colormap will match closely with the False Color plot    
colormap jet;    
axis square;        

% Close the Huygen's plot    


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Zemax Staff
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  • Answer
  • February 20, 2020

These types of plots (Huygen's PSF, Wavefront Map, Detector Viewer, etc.) are generated with a matrix of data points provided within the "Text" tab of the same analysis window. This matrix data may be pulled into the API using the ZOSAPI.Analysis.Data.IAR_ Interface and made into a figure.

Analysis window data is split into multiple categories within the IAR_ Interface. A matrix of data (shown above) will typically be provided as a DataGrid while a 2 column list of data (such as that given by a Cross Section plot) will be provided by a DataSeries. Sometimes, analysis window results are not pulled into the API, in which case we must pull the results into an external text file. See "Generating a list of output data types for each analysis in the ZOS-API" for more information.

As long as the data is accessible, we can pull it into the API using the corresponding IAR_ Interface property. Below is a Matlab example of this process:

TheSystem = TheApplication.PrimarySystem;

% Open the Huygen's PSF. We will use the default settings for now    
huygensPSF = TheSystem.Analyses.New_HuygensPsf();        

% Run the analysis with the current settings and pull the results 
huygensResults = huygensPSF.GetResults();        

% The results will be split into multiple data structures    
% One structure will house the header information    
% Another structure will house the relative intensity values    
% Pull the structure with the intensity values    
matrixData = huygensResults.DataGrids(1).Values.double;        

% OpticStudio has pixel (1,1) in the top left of the matrix    
% Matlab places the (1,1) at the bottom so we need to flip the matrix    
huygensData = flipud(matrixData);        

% Use pixel data to create a figure    
% The jet colormap will match closely with the False Color plot    
colormap jet;    
axis square;        

% Close the Huygen's plot    


Zemax Staff
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  • February 20, 2020

The code above will take the matrix data as supplied here:

And generate the following plot:

Hi Allie Culler,
I have a same problem about the image export from the analysis in ZOSAPI. 
In the macro, OPENANALYSISWINDOW and EXPORTJPG can do that. 
However, these two macros require to open a real instance Zemax file in screen. 
How do I do for saving an image of analysis (e.g., FFT MTF) without open a real instance Zemax file in screen?

PS: I'd not like to pull the data from ZOSAPI and then plot it by other program like Matlab or C# 
because it is very inconvenient. 

Csilla Timar-Fulep
Zemax Staff

Hello Cheng-Mu,

You are right, ZPL macros are run inside the OpticStudio graphical user interface (GUI), so they require Zemax to be open. However, this is not the case for the ZOS-API. ZOS-API allows applications to either communicate directly with opened instances of OpticStudio or to run OpticStudio as a background process. You may find more information about the differences between ZOS-API and ZPL, and the different communication modes of ZOS-API in the following knowledge base articles:

The differences between ZOS-API, ZPL and DLL

Sample code for ZOS-API users

Unfortunately there is currently no API function to export graphics like  EXPORTJPG does in the ZPL. However, this is currently a feature request in to have this capability added to the API and I will add your name to the list of users who have requested it. I will make sure to follow-up if this feature is added to a future version of OpticStudio.

In the meantime, you can pull the data and create a plot inside of Matlab, as discussed above.

Dear Csilla Timar-Fulep, 
Thanks for your replying. 
I ever tryied to use a macro in MFE to run the OPENANALYSISWINDOW and EXPORTJPG. 
After executing the ZOSAPI like MFE.CalculateMeritFunction(), 
we can find a figure with format .jpg but there is no any information in this figure. 
I think the problem is that the OPENANALYSISWINDOW cannot really open the analysis graphic when running ZOSAPI. 

Ali H
  • Visible
  • 32 replies
  • June 26, 2020

Hello Cheng-Mu,

Using the ZPLM operand in a macro should work, but only if running in Interactive Mode. The reason why using a ZPLM operand works in Interactive Mode is all the necessary libraries for rendering the graphics are already loaded with the GUI version of OpticStudio, so when you call the EXPORTBMP via the ZPLM, the macro can render the analysis and then save the results to disk. When you run the API script as a Standalone Application, the necessary libraries and drivers to render the actual plot are suppressed so when you call the ZPLM operand, the macro cannot render the analysis and thus you get the 0kb file.



Zemax Staff
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  • February 23, 2022

Hi all! 

I’m adding a sample from Python to this post. It performs the same actions as the one up top in PythonNET. This was completed using the Standalone Application mode. See below:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np

    # Open file
    sampleDir = zos.TheApplication.SamplesDir
    testFile = sampleDir + "\\Sequential\\Objectives\\Cooke 40 degree field.zos"
    TheSystem.LoadFile(testFile, False)

    # Open the Huygen's PSF. We will use the default settings for now
    huygensPSF = TheSystem.Analyses.New_HuygensPsf()

    # Run the analysis with the current settings and pull the results
    huygensResults = huygensPSF.GetResults()

    # The results will be split into multple data structures: Header, Intensity data, Metadata
    # We want the intensity data. This is the same data you will see in the Text tab of the analysis
    matrixData = huygensResults.GetDataGrid(0).Values
    xLength = matrixData.GetLength(0)
    yLength = matrixData.GetLength(1)

    # Reformat the data so that it matches the output we see in OS
    # We must also convert the matrix into a Python array for post-processing
    huygensData = zos.reshape(matrixData, xLength, yLength, False)

    # Plot the data
    plt.imshow(np.flipud(huygensData), cmap='jet', extent=[-xLength, xLength, -yLength, yLength])

The resulting image is shown here:


  • Monochrome
  • 5 replies
  • February 21, 2023


I am using python and want to edit the surfaces in NSC mode and each time save shaded mode image as png or jpg.

Example 17 - Python is showing how to set parameters on shaded model but not how to save it as an image.
I tried “analysis.ToFile()” but all I get is an empty image of KB.
How can I access to the “save” button:




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