Dispersion diagram or Dispersion vs Wavelength are not plotting

  • 2 February 2022
  • 1 reply


Dispersion diagram or Dispersion vs Wavelength are not plotting when "Disable Modern Graphics" option in the “Project Preference” is chosen to “All Plots”. Is this bug or expect? Thanks

1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi Sooyong, 

Thanks for posting in the Community! I just tried this out and ran into the same behavior.  For future reference, you can also access Classic View for some analysis plots even when the Disable Modern Graphics settings is turned off.  At the bottom of the plots that support Classic View, there will be be a tab that says “Classic”.  

In the case of the Dispersion vs Wavelength plot, the plots do not appear with both approaches.  Since this seems like unexpected behavior, I have gone ahead and filed this as a bug report on your behalf.  Thanks for letting us know about this!
