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diffraction grating at NSC mode always change rays direction by random way. like light source with sampling method “random” 

is here way make grating “sobol”?

The only way to make it static is to use a fixed diffraction order, i.e. select order = +/- 1, 2 etc. If you split an input ray into multiple diffracted orders, that splitting will be random over the distribution determined by the coefficients in the Diffraction Tab of the object editor. 

The only way to make it static is to use a fixed diffraction order, i.e. select order = +/- 1, 2 etc. If you split an input ray into multiple diffracted orders, that splitting will be random over the distribution determined by the coefficients in the Diffraction Tab of the object editor. 

for some reason this is not working for my file.

but if I copy paste surfaces in different file it work.

What can be a reason?


PS: zemax site dont attach .zar or 7z files. and ask for only zip. sound funny 

reason was using 3 waves per 1 light source. if use 1 wave per source rays have same path
