
Criterion Results in Tolerance Analysis with MTF

  • 3 March 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to run a tolerance analysis with MTF (say Geom MTF Sag) as criterion and I would like to record which is the minimum MTF resulting for each Montecarlo case. I’ve set the criterion at Maximum Frequency but I have one issue: I’ve noticed that if I flag “Enable Montecarlo Overlays”, the MTF plot at Nyquist shows values that are quite higher than those in the report summary (see attachments).

The result is even more confusing if I set Contrast as Merit function and Merit Function as criterion for the tolerance analysis.

How should I set-up the analysis and how can I interpret the criterion result in the summary?

Thanks in advance,



Best answer by MaxR 6 March 2024, 16:07

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
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Unfortunately, I’m not able to see your attached images (is it only me?). Any chance you can re-upload your images? Also, please consider sharing a simplified file which demonstrates the issue as it is much easier to troubleshoot with something to work on.

Take care,



Userlevel 3

I think the simplest option to get MTF for the each Monte-Carlon run is to use Tolerance script.


for the records.. here attached were the previous screenshots reporting MC summary results 10% lower than the overlay plot of all the MC MTFs.

Finally I manged to find a good agreement with RMS centroid as merit function and Geom. MTF Sag in the criterion. The values reported in the summary are the lowest MTF for each case.


