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Is there some way to get irradiance using Huygens PSF?  I’ve tried using POP but it breaks down when I try to simulate it as a point source.

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your question!

I suppose you’re meaning that you’d like to get values for the Huygens PSF analysis in Sequential Mode that report on measured power rather than relative intensity -- is this a correct understanding?

Since Huygens PSF reports the relative intensity (scaling either to normalize the data or normalize relative to the unaberrated PSF peak), you would need to scale the Huygens PSF data based on your input power and the transmission of the optical system itself. You can use an analysis like Analyze tab...Polarization...Transmission to see a breakdown on the transmission of the system per wavelength, per field for some input grid of rays. Once you have a specific field’s transmission, you could use that to scale the HPSF data.

Alternatively, if you can reconstruct your system in Non-Sequential Mode, you could leverage the Huygens PSF calculation there and get a Detector Rectangle output that directly reports measured irradiance. We have information generally on how to set up a non-sequential system for a Huygens PSF result here.

Let us know how these thoughts work for you or if you have any more questions -- thanks!

Hi Angel,

Thanks for pointing out the non sequential mode option which I will certainly investigate in further detail.

Coming back to the first option, that I currently use, I understand we could simply get the Huygens PSF from the repsective analysis, check whether the pupil/image sampling/image delta are sufficient to give the full-picture PSF (up to specific tolerance), normalize the integrated intensity and simply multiply by the computed system transmission (considering eventually 2 polarization states to account for polarization sensitivity of a design where appropriate coating have been set by the user). Both solutions would provide similar/identicval results

