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I set up a hemisphere detector polar. I want it to be a Lambertian target as well. I set it to be reflective, scattering model to be Lambertian, scatter fraction to be 1, number of rays to be 5, and importance sampling. But I don’t think it is working. Could you show me how to set up this correctly.

@Erkang Wang 


I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do. The Detector Polar is scattering, but you also want it to be the target of your Importance Sampling, is that right? Why do you think it isn’t working? Can you show us what you tried?

Take care,


Yeah. So I want to set a hemisphere target for a LiDAR. this hemisphere is around 50m radius. LiDAR is right in its center. I want this hemisphere to Lambertian scatter the LiDAR laser beams then the scattered rays need to important sampling to the LiDAR aperture. The LiDAR aperture is very small comparing to the hemisphere size. I used to be able to do this trick. But now I cannot see any scattered rays to be detected by the LiDAR. Looks like the importance sampling is not working.

@Erkang Wang


I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do. The Detector Polar is scattering, but you also want it to be the target of your Importance Sampling, is that right? Why do you think it isn’t working? Can you show us what you tried?

Take care,


Hi, David, I think I got it. I started from a much simple model making sure importance sampling and scattering works then slowly add more components in. Now it looks reasonable. Thanks for out help. 
